The research suggests that young people who participate in a boot camp have been more likely to become involved in crime in the future. However, including other activities like aftercare support, education, vocational training or drug treatment did not seem to improve the impact. This analysis suggests that boot camps were more likely to have a desirable impact if they involved counselling or therapeutic interventions. Researchers have attempted to understand why different types of boot camp have different impacts. However, the average harmful impact suggests that this is not a promising approach. Some studies found that boot camps had a positive impact and others found that boot camps had a stronger negative impact. The impact of different programmes varies. The research suggests that young people who participate in a boot camp have been 6% more likely to become involved in future violent and non-violent crime. On average, boot camps are not likely to reduce violence and may cause harm. Some boot camps will have after-care support like help drawing up a long-term release plan, making connections to services and resources that help prevent reoffending.Some boot camps will include education, vocational training classes, or therapeutic interventions like counselling or drug and alcohol treatment.Graduation ceremonies for young people who successfully complete the program which family members might be invited to attend.Boot camps can involve a range of activities which are generally carried out under strict military discipline and supervision: They are typically run by the military or by correctional staff who are trained to use military-style discipline. Some camps combine the military regime with an emphasis on building positive relationships with staff or activities to develop positive behaviours and attitudes.Ī stay at a boot camp is usually shorter than a custodial sentence, lasting between 90-180 days. They involve strict discipline, short-term confinement and demanding physical tasks and aim to provide children with self-discipline which is maintained when they return to the community. They typically involve children and young people above the age of 13.

Diversion from the criminal justice systemīoot camps are military-style residential camps for children who have offended.