The minister is inclined to cooperate with the desperadoes.

Now the minister and his kids are heading south in a mobile home the Gekkos hope to hide in while crossing the border. The minister has left the church after the death of his wife, leaving an opening for another of Tarantino's passages of theological dialog. Holed up in a sleazebag motel, they take hostages: a former Baptist minister ( Harvey Keitel) and his children ( Juliette Lewis and Ernest Liu). Richard has helped Seth break out of prison, and now they're heading for the Mexican border with the bank loot, and Richard, who is a rabid loony, is blasting everyone in sight, including innocent bystanders. They've robbed a bank and left a trail of dead and wounded (all toted up by a TV news reporter's digital carnage readout). After the title sequence, we get to know the central characters, Seth and Richard Gekko ( George Clooney and Tarantino). Those who liked the shoot-outs in Rodriguez's " El Mariachi" and " Desperado" will like the second half, which is non-stop mayhem in a scuzzy bikers' and truckers' strip joint, with lots of vampires, exploding eyeballs, cascading guts, and a weapon made out of a powered wooden stake (I guess you could call it a Pneumatic Vampire Drill). Those who loved the invention of Tarantino's dialog in " Pulp Fiction" will like the first half, especially a brilliant pre-title sequence featuring Michael Parks as a Texas Ranger who creates a whole world out of a little dialogue.
Actually, a lot of people will hate half of the movie and like the other half.